Friday 21 January 2011

To Planisphere or not to Planisphere...

   So like so many amateur astronomers out there I watched Stargazing Live presented by Professor Brian Cox and Dara O Briain.  It was actually a really good show if you ignore Jonathan Ross being a little silly to say the least.  Anyhow, our good old Mr. Ross had a stargazing lesson from Mark Thompson, and he was tought about a Planisphere and how to use one.

   That there be a Planisphere, incase the big white writing along the front of it couldn't be a big enough give away.  So I saw how this thing worked and thought, "Well I really only know Orion and the Plough, so why not get one to help me with the telescope?" good idea in practise, in theory it blew chunks.  Either there wasn't that many to start with, or the show has generated a huge interest in the things.  Could I find one online?  Could I bullocks, I found one on Ebay for £55 that was for an RAF bomber crew in 1942, so that didn't really help me too much.  I thought I would try a book store, a proper one that you can walk into... who would be geeky enough to actually ask another human for one?  So I walked into Waterstones, asked the lady where it would be, all I got was an "huh?!" So I said "starcharts, basically", I got showed to the science bit, which was a whole 4 foot shelf!  JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Even Manga has more room than science, how the fuck does that one work out?!  Anyhow, as a long shot I tried The Works, total failure there, found a DVD for Meerkat Manor, but couldn't be bothered to queue up for it.  Now everytime Nat and I go to Lakeside we always pop into W H Smith because of the magazines and the drinks we can get.  I thought I would have a quick look in there, they sell books right? THEY HAD IT!  WOOHOO!  Altho where was £5 Smithy's was the full RRP of £8.99... well you have to pay for postage with Amazon so Nat convinced me, so I just got the book with Philips Stargazing 2011 which I thought was helpful at the least.  So out of all the places I could think of, W H Smith had it, I love that shop.  

  One last thought, Professor Brian Cox was asked what a piece of music was, he said it was the Star Trek theme song (did actually sound like it), he was told it was music made from the noise that stars make, he actually said "that wrong!" but you could so see he was going to "that is complete bullocks!"  I wasn't the only one who noticed it.  Made me laugh a lot.  If you ever get the chance, try and see any shows that he is in, I just love the way he talks and describes things.  I would of loved to have him as an teacher when I was a wee nipper.

  Anyhow, peace out!


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